Thursday, May 7, 2020

Taking the first bus is about making mindful decisions about medical treatment and quality of life. For example, though I eat a healthy, organic, homemade diet, exercise daily, maintain a healthy weight and monitor my blood pressure. I don’t get mammograms anymore. I have dense breasts and have had 6 call backs and one biopsy over the years. Apparently, no one actually sees anything useful in my mammograms, and I no longer care. I have no plans of ever being a cancer patient.

On the other hand, I had cataract surgery and diligently put drops one eye for glaucoma. I value my eyesight and the wonder of the world that reading brings to me; and the beauty of nature and art. These are some of the things that make life worthwhile. 

Taking the first bus is about making mindful decisions about medical treatment and quality of life. For example, though I eat a healthy, org...